
God made you. He loves you.



God made you. He loves you.



God made you. He loves you.


God desires for you to know Him and experience His love for you. He loves you so much that He chose to die in your place, so you will never have to be cut off. He was perfect & blameless, but He chose to die for every wrong thing you did and every right thing you didn’t do. He died so we could have the life He has - a life that has meaning and a perfect future.

God desires for you to know Him and experience His love for you. He loves you so much that He chose to die in your place, so you will never have to be cut off. He was perfect & blameless, but He chose to die for every wrong thing you did and every right thing you didn’t do. He died so we could have the life He has - a life that has meaning and a perfect future.

God has a purpose for you, one that’s better than your best plan for yourself, and for you to be able to live out your purpose, He makes His presence and His power available to you.

God desires for everyone who is in Him, to become part of His body, the Church.

You may consider joining this Church family, if:

You may consider joining this Church family, if:

You may consider joining this Church family, if:

—— You want to get to know Jesus and of how He's different from anyone you've heard of so far.

—— You want to get to know Jesus and of how He's different from anyone you've heard of so far.

—— You love asking questions that help you get to the Truth.

—— You are curious about this God who calls himself The Way, The Truth & The Life.

—— You prefer love and relationships over man-made religion and mechanical rituals.

—— You want to be meaningful & real in your engagement with God.

—— You are young at heart, irrespective of the date on your Birth Certificate.

—— You are keen to learn from God’s word and see your life be transformed.

—— You, having experienced God's love, want to respond to Him in love with your voluntary obedience.

—— You want be equipped so you too can see your Neighbours and your Neighborhood being transformed by Jesus and what He teaches.

—— You want to receive from and share with others in the church family.

—— You are ok to worship God alongside people who are messy, broken and imperfect.

—— You are not already meaningfully engaged with another church family.

© 2024 Your Neighbourhood Church. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Your Neighbourhood Church. All rights reserved.