Our Priority Beliefs

Our Priority Beliefs

Our Priority Beliefs

If you’ve been through the other parts of our website, we believe you already get an idea of what we believe in. But here’s are some of our core beliefs:

If you’ve been through the other parts of our website, we believe you already get an idea of what we believe in. But here’s are some of our core beliefs:



We Love God and can’t thank Him enough for creating this world, for creating us and for sending His son Jesus to this earth to save us from what we deserved for our failings.



We Love Jesus and can’t thank Him enough for willingly coming into this world, dying for us, taking our place on the cross and giving us His place so we can enjoy the status of being sons and daughters of God.


Holy Spirit

We Love the Holy Spirit and can’t thank Him enough for helping us become like Jesus and for helping us experience God’s super power here on earth.



We believe in being called to repentance, faith and baptism in water - in that order, as a matter of voluntary obedience to what Jesus opened our eyes to. We believe that Salvation is only by faith and not by our works. Our works flow from our faith.


The Bible

We Love the Bible and thank God for revealing to us His Grand Story and our place in that grand story. The Bible reveals God to us and reveals to us His purposes for our life.


The Gospel

We believe that the gospel is not just the door into God’s kingdom but the path on which we walk every day with Him. It is God’s power continuously making us more like Jesus.


Kingdom of God

We believe that the loving rule of God impacts the whole of life and society. Therefore, we live to demonstrate the good news of this Kingdom, addressing injustice, poverty and oppression.

None of these statements are complete and perfect, because it’s impossible to write about a big God and the big life He’s called us to in small statements, but these are indicative of how our faith in practice is shaped.




We Love God and can’t thank Him enough for creating this world, for creating us and for sending His son Jesus to this earth to save us from what we deserved for our failings.




We Love Jesus and can’t thank Him enough for willingly coming into this world, dying for us, taking our place on the cross and giving us His place so we can enjoy the status of being sons and daughters of God.



Holy Spirit

We Love the Holy Spirit and can’t thank Him enough for helping us become like Jesus and for helping us experience God’s super power here on earth.




We believe in being called to repentance, faith and baptism in water - in that order, as a matter of voluntary obedience to what Jesus opened our eyes to. We believe that Salvation is only by faith and not by our works. Our works flow from our faith.



The Bible

We Love the Bible and thank God for revealing to us His Grand Story and our place in that grand story. The Bible reveals God to us and reveals to us His purposes for our life.



The Gospel

We believe that the gospel is not just the door into God’s kingdom but the path on which we walk every day with Him. It is God’s power continuously making us more like Jesus.



Kingdom of God

We believe that the loving rule of God impacts the whole of life and society. Therefore, we live to demonstrate the good news of this Kingdom, addressing injustice, poverty and oppression.

None of these statements are complete and perfect, because it’s impossible to write about a big God and the big life He’s called us to in small statements, but these are indicative of how our faith in practice is shaped.

© 2024 Your Neighbourhood Church. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Your Neighbourhood Church. All rights reserved.