Our Culture

Our Culture

Our Culture




We are Family

Jesus brings us together to be one family. He took our place on the cross, so we can enjoy the place He has with the Father, as sons and daughters. We’re now therefore brothers and sisters weaved into God’s family.




We love People

We love people of all ages, shades, languages, professional abilities, political opinions, orientations, parenting styles and life experiences. There’s room in our family for everyone.

Jesus modelled a life of loving (unloved) people well, when He placed their needs over His. As we continue to discover how well He loves us, He enables us to become like Him, showing love to those who are very difficult to be with.

We seek to be #LovingNeighbours. We desire to be loving Neighbours to be around and we want to be busy loving our Neighbours.




We love Jesus

We love Jesus and can’t keep quiet about it. It’s but our natural response knowing how much He loved us. We love that Jesus did not come to start a religion, but to restore a relationship, between God and us. We love Jesus for changing our status from being eternally dead to being eternally alive, from being orphans to being children of God, from being unworthy people to being seen as precious.

We love taking on the life Jesus has called us to for eternity. So we live life here on earth with eternity in mind. We make life decisions looking at them through the lens of eternity and not the lens of our current situation. No longer are we at the centre of our lives, Jesus is.




We love our Neighbourhood

Our God is an intentional God and where we are is because of His intentional plan for us. We therefore feel great ownership for the neighbourhood God has placed us in. We want to see our neighbourhoods transformed, even as we and are our neighbours are being transformed by the Gospel. We have faith and therefore endure to see our Neighbourhood bear reflection of the Kingdom of God.

We love our neighbourhood and are invested into it. We care for it and want to see it thrive. We speak well of it and pray for it. We look to see evil being ejected from our neighbourhood and goodness settle into its every nook & corner.




We are Interdependent

We are not an independent but an interdependent church. We believe in the value of functioning under the spiritual covering of God-established leadership and in learning alongside ministry experts.

We therefore partner with other churches and like-minded believers in the neighbourhood and our city. We love relating with other churches and as part of that have clear practices that ensure our relationships are healthy. Our relationships.

© 2024 Your Neighbourhood Church. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Your Neighbourhood Church. All rights reserved.